All in Justice

Last night I watched a thousand footer leave the Twin Ports. After twenty two years in Duluth, I still marvel at how these ships move through open water. The gritty grand aesthetic equals an eye bending immensity, a slow soft rumble of engineered science, and enormity’s unbelievable ability to stay afloat. I also balked at the name of the boat. Bah “american integrity”. WTF?!

As I apply to graduate schools, I feel intimate/at odds with the ideas of meritocracy. Hard work. Striving for success. Yes sexy talk for realz and damn!!? I realize I’ve pushed my commitment to pleasure to the side. My creative/kinky brain feels like mush while fine tuning and sculpting cognitive skills. As I ask is it possible to do both, I realize I’ve forgotten to wield my most prized smarts this winter. Flirting.